Sunday, September 17, 2006

thank you for smoking

When I hear the word lobbyist I automatically think dodgy. I'm sure there are plenty of organisations or industries who lobby the government for the purposes of good, but the World Wildlife Fund wouldn't be the first thing to spring to mind if someone were to ask what does a lobbyist do??

My first thought is someone who works in the oil, tobacco, gun, or fast food industries – industries with vast amounts of money to throw around to ensure the long-term survival of their business. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make a buck and certainly nothing at all wrong with fighting for something that you have poured your heart and soul into (especially if it has provided you with a very comfortable lifestyle in return). I know I wouldn't let that go without a fight.

Thank You For Smoking is a light-hearted political satire taking a brief glimpse into the life of the number one lobbyist for big tobacco in the US. The money aside, I'm puzzled as to why someone would want such a job? What drives a person to get up there and not just support, but fight for a side that these days is seen as evil. Sure you're morals might need to be a little flexible but to rise to this challenge and come away convincing people your product is not only not bad, but actually might be good and worth buying – “if you can do tobacco you can do anything!”

What impressed me the most about this film was despite the title I didn’t come away feeling that the film was for or against smoking! This was a film about politics not about smoking!

All of that aside at the end of the day they are still spin-doctors, they still have a product that causes harm to people and worst of all they succeed – governments accept their money, people turn a blind eye, the little person loses out, and the fat cats get fatter.

This film wasn’t deep, there was nothing profound, it isn’t going down in history – but its message was clear and simple.

very enjoyable

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