Sunday, September 17, 2006

the glaciers

I'm in the midst of a little research and will report my findings back here shortly, but in the meantime I'm going to pop up a link about global warming.

The Competitive Enterprise Institute has started an ad campaign for CO2. What was I just saying about spin-doctors??? I'm not sure if the adverts actually made it onto US telly, but they are on You Tube so they may as well be. The first time I watched the video I thought it was a joke! A skit you see on those comedy shows, but no it seems to be for real.

There are 2 adverts - one that the glaciers aren't melting and one that suggests energy from fossil fuels isn't a problem!


Funny that today I read a headline in the Age "As evidence of climate change mounts, wild weather patterns pose major challenges and risks for industry"

If its going to effect the economy. . . . .

thank you for smoking

When I hear the word lobbyist I automatically think dodgy. I'm sure there are plenty of organisations or industries who lobby the government for the purposes of good, but the World Wildlife Fund wouldn't be the first thing to spring to mind if someone were to ask what does a lobbyist do??

My first thought is someone who works in the oil, tobacco, gun, or fast food industries – industries with vast amounts of money to throw around to ensure the long-term survival of their business. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make a buck and certainly nothing at all wrong with fighting for something that you have poured your heart and soul into (especially if it has provided you with a very comfortable lifestyle in return). I know I wouldn't let that go without a fight.

Thank You For Smoking is a light-hearted political satire taking a brief glimpse into the life of the number one lobbyist for big tobacco in the US. The money aside, I'm puzzled as to why someone would want such a job? What drives a person to get up there and not just support, but fight for a side that these days is seen as evil. Sure you're morals might need to be a little flexible but to rise to this challenge and come away convincing people your product is not only not bad, but actually might be good and worth buying – “if you can do tobacco you can do anything!”

What impressed me the most about this film was despite the title I didn’t come away feeling that the film was for or against smoking! This was a film about politics not about smoking!

All of that aside at the end of the day they are still spin-doctors, they still have a product that causes harm to people and worst of all they succeed – governments accept their money, people turn a blind eye, the little person loses out, and the fat cats get fatter.

This film wasn’t deep, there was nothing profound, it isn’t going down in history – but its message was clear and simple.

very enjoyable

Thursday, September 07, 2006

new job

after weeks (that feel like months) I've landed myself a new job.

and now that I look back it has been exactly 2 months to the day that one of the managers at work asked if I was interested in a job in his department.

The irony doesn't stop there - this morning I attended a training session on the new online recruitment system the university has implemented! It spells the end of paper forms, hand signatures, and internal mail delays - in fact the two week process of getting a job advertised has now been reduced to a mere 48 hours!!!!!

oh my god what am I saying - am I a whinger or what!!! yeah yeah yeah, I got a cool new job today and I'm friggin wrapped!!!

Its the start of a new career and a full time salary!!!

if I ever think of going back to study I'll need to save a butt load more money so I can actually have a life!!

YAY for me :)

Sunday, September 03, 2006


the All Blacks had a crushing defeat last night. South African won 21/20 with a penalty in the dying minutes. devastating!!!

This was the All Blacks final tri nations game for the season and despite already securing the Bledisloe Cup and the Tri Nations cup it would have been nice to go through the season undefeated.

All that aside the game was fantastic, the All Blacks played well with plenty brilliant moments.

The ref was pretty good too - albeit whistle happy! He seemed to read the game pretty well (could have played advantage a little longer sometimes) and explained clearly every call. There was no sneaking anything past him - he knew every little cheat and trick.

I also admire the way he always had the safety of players in mind with several comments of "watch you heads" and he was very particular setting the scrum.

This is one area where I think rugby outshines AFL - the safety and well being of players is not only considered but paramount. Areas of the game that put players at risk are quickly identified and rules put in place to prevent injury. No one likes to see a player stretchered off the field - in contrast the crashing injuries in AFL all seem to be part of the spectacle.

What's more the ref in rugby makes sure it's a clean game - sure certain players might get targeted, but its all above board, none of the off the ball antics you see in AFL. It seems some AFL players are only on the team for their knack at giving the sly punch to the kidneys!!!

Saturday, September 02, 2006


OK Go's music video for their latest single Here We Go Again is brilliant.

The band have choreographed a routine for the whole song on a series of treadmills.

how do people come up with these sorts of ideas! neat :)

OK Go - Here We Go Again


faith - the biped dog!

this is a pretty tough call, until now Namo (my Mum's guide dog) has held the title for me of worlds most amazing dog - now I think he may have a competitor. A women in the US has a dog with only two hind legs, and she has taught it to hop and walk. You can download the video off her website - so amazing. I watch the video with the sound off tho - she is very churchy and God has given her this miracle. But all that aside I think the positive vibe that she takes from the dog and shares with everyone is a good thing, and if people want to do good things then you wont see me complaining about their method.

as for the contest - after careful consideration Namo wins hands down