Sunday, September 17, 2006

the glaciers

I'm in the midst of a little research and will report my findings back here shortly, but in the meantime I'm going to pop up a link about global warming.

The Competitive Enterprise Institute has started an ad campaign for CO2. What was I just saying about spin-doctors??? I'm not sure if the adverts actually made it onto US telly, but they are on You Tube so they may as well be. The first time I watched the video I thought it was a joke! A skit you see on those comedy shows, but no it seems to be for real.

There are 2 adverts - one that the glaciers aren't melting and one that suggests energy from fossil fuels isn't a problem!


Funny that today I read a headline in the Age "As evidence of climate change mounts, wild weather patterns pose major challenges and risks for industry"

If its going to effect the economy. . . . .

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