Monday, December 19, 2005


I'm just going to start here by jotting down a few notes to remind myself why I wanted to start writing this blog. Obviously I'm not a trendsetter, millions of people before me have sat down to do this very thing. I've often wondered what the attraction is that compels people to lay down what seem to be very personal thoughts. Is it the same compulsion that drives people to leave, what I am sure they feel are, inspirational messages on the toilet walls in universities??? Are these just electronic toilet walls??? Maybe! *fond flashback* ah yes those were the days, so idealistic! Well, I was never a toilet wall artist, so what is it that has bought me here today?

Sorry to disappoint but there’s no great revelation – my boyfriend was the inspiration. I guess I am quite opinionated when it comes to certain things - details of which will no doubt land up on here. But one day on the train on the way home after a long day I came across something in the newspaper that irked me! Needless to say I had to tell someone my opinion, and lucky for my tired, worn out boyfriend he was right there by my side. After several minutes patiently listening to my ranting he starts rummaging around in his bag and pulls out his iPod and is about to jam in his headphones when very politely says "you know that’s all very interesting *roll eyes* maybe you should think about writing it down . . . why don't you start a blog".

So here I am!

Now in years to come, when we are sitting around reminiscing we'll say "gee didn't blogs have a big impact on the world back in the early 2000s". I'll say . . . . oh yeah I had a blog at one stage. . . . . what was that called now . . . . I wonder if I can still access it . . . . . and I'll read all the crap that I spewed out into it and say - MAN! What was I thinking when I starting writing this - and eventually I'll come across this post and go "OH YEAH - that’s right!!"

I've been thinking about writing down my thoughts for a little while now and realised not only will I be able to vent without boring my boyfriend to death, but if I stick to it, maybe I will be able to see how my attitudes change (or don't change) over time. One thing I am very aware of is change (or not changing). This year I have read the newspaper a lot more than before (courtesy of a $15 tertiary card for the entire academic year - I guess the newspapers are well aware of who their readers of the future are - get em hooked young . . . . how very McDonalds!). OK, back on track - I've also watched the evening news a lot more. And without getting into my thoughts about commercial news channels, I wonder how much of the way I think is just because I am more informed than I used to be. Maybe the world has been ticking away nicely on its own - just because I wasn't paying attention before doesn't mean it didn't exist quite happily without my input. My point is, writing a blog will help me keep track of what I've been thinking, its OK for me to change my mind about things, but I'd hate to go backwards, forget something vital that could help shape or guide my ideas. What highlights this point even more is watching old TV shows. Recently I watched the Happy Days 30th Anniversary show and realised all the jokes on sitcoms today are the same as those from Happy Days, the lightly veiled sexual innuendo, the stories are the same, coming of age, falling in love, breaking up, building lasting friendships. The only thing that has changed is the euphemisms, which by definition are bound to change over time anyway!! Last night I watched the film Deliverance, it’s from 1972, again, same stories, morals, and values as movies of today!
I wonder if I lived in a time where families stuck together and where the old were thought of as wise, if I'd even be considering this dilemma?? Maybe I'd know nothing had changed (or everything had changed) if my paid more attention to my Grandparents . . . . . or maybe I should just watch more movies!!

Not only that, but I grew up in a reasonably small town (in quite an isolated country) so I would say that I had quite a sheltered childhood. At school I wasn't interested in history, or social studies, or even English - I did all the sciences and math, one decision I now regret. Anyway, I'm sure that has affected the way I form opinions, the way I pull information together from different sources, and I certainly have a very limited knowledge of any history, recent or otherwise! I'm hoping that as events occur in my life I'll be able to organise my thoughts in a more useful way. Of course the most important reason for doing all of this is so I can make more coherent arguments at dinner parties (or down the pub!!).

SO - I'm writing this blog to see what changes

(and, I’m currently doing a masters, so this will be a great way to procrastinate!!!)


Dear Diary . . . . . .

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